171 Ailsa Craig Main Street | Ailsa Craig, Ontario N0M 1A0 | Phone: (519) 293-3331 | Email: office@dennings.ca

Tribute Wall
Monday, July 25, 2022
Sorry for your loss.
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Cheryl Bolton posted a condolence
Friday, July 15, 2022
Mary was such a big part of not only the East Williams Optimist Club but also of the Southwestern Ontario Optimists. Her fudge was a favourite item in the House of Optimism auction at convention and she always had a quilt ready to use as a fundraiser. Thank you for letting your Optimism shine forth Mary, we will miss you!
Peggy Foster donated to Canadian Breast Cancer Support Fund
Friday, July 8, 2022
George, Judy and family, we are so sorry for your loss. Our deepest condolences to you all. Cherish the wonderful memories.
Peggy, Joe and the girls
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Jennifer Duffy posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
My condolences to all the family. Mary was such a sweet, friendly and giving lady. I will always remember the delicious treats she would often bring for McDonnell Ford employees to enjoy.
Jerry and D.Kathy Hendrikx posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Our condolences to the family. We always enjoyed visiting with Mary at NM Historical Society events and Optimist gatherings. The community (and Bornish Drive) has lost a valued member.
Denning's uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Angela Porter posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Mary will be dearly missed by our entire Family. She truly did have a heart of gold for her family, neighbours and her community.
Angela, Jason Porter and Family
Lynn Whitmore posted a condolence
Monday, July 4, 2022
Mary was such a wonderful Lady. We shared many great conversations during bike rodeos and parades for Community Policing Committee events.
Lynn Whitmore
Connie Sutherland posted a condolence
Monday, July 4, 2022
So very sorry to hear of Mary's passing, I worked with her with the Optimist Club, and also in activities with the Church. Mary contributed so much to the betterment of our community through her volunteering, and good cheer, and yes that amazing fudge. We will miss her. My condolences to her family.
Bob & Adele McCallum posted a condolence
Sunday, July 3, 2022
To Mary’s Family,
May your many happy memories help to bring you comfort. Mary will be missed. She always took time for a visit and we enjoyed her delicious fudge. With deepest sympathy, Bob & Adele McCallum
Kim Bowman posted a condolence
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Mary was a kind sweet lady and always a pleasure to chat with.
Kim Bowman
Monica Carter posted a condolence
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Mary served on the Board of Directors at the Parkhill Carnegie Gallery for several years and was a valued member. She often worked on quilting in our classroom with the Thursday afternoon Drop-In group. We always appreciated her wisdom and her sense of humour.
On behalf of the Board, I send condolences to all her family. She was a grand lady. Remember her with much love.
Monica Carter, Board President
Wanda Tupholme lit a candle
Sunday, July 3, 2022

Mary was a person that you never forgot her kindness and lots of laughs.
I worked with Mary fr many years at International Harvester, London
My condolence to her family.
Edward & Linda Fox posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
To Mary's Family,
I think you would have a hard time finding a kinder, nicer, lady than Mary. She would always lend a helping hand wherever it was needed, and a more devoted, proud Optimist member would be hard to find as well.
Treasure your memories of her and hold them close to your hearts where she will always remain and remember that LOVE never dies.
RIP Mary, you deserve it.
Edward and Linda Fox
John and JoAnne Sanders posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary was a very lovely lady. She was always ready to help anyone out. We have known her for many years and will miss her at all the Optimist meetings. We send our condolences to her family.
Nancy Hodgert posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
In Marys younger years she worked on tobacco farms along with her sisters She completed school and worked in the office at International Harvester in London. She had a love for antiques and bought the old hotel in Carlisle with her cousin Hazel. They kept it original - with the painted numbers on the room doors upstairs, the wash stands and basins, the brass and wooden beds, the spinning wheel. The wood cook stove and oil lamps. Mary hosted picnics for ladies groups such as women's institute giving them a tour of the hotel along with some historic stories. She refinished furniture in the shed. Mary hosted yearly extended family picnics for years pre covid. She will always be remembered for her fudge and rice crispy squares, and kindness towards all of us.
Mary lived in Mount Brydges. She was a scout leader. Donald came to Brydges as Royal Bank manager. He became a scout leader as well, and so their life together began. After they were married he got transferred to New Market, Aurora, and Tillsonburg
They built a house in East Williams to come home to on weekends and holidays, and for after retiring, to be closer to family and friends. After Don resigned from the bank they lived full time at their home in East Williams. Mary worked in an office in Strathroy, then at the Home Hardware in Ailsa Craig. Mary grew a large garden sharing her produce. She was very involved in the Optimist and helped run monthly bingos in London, proceeds going to Hobbies - a youth organization sponsored by the optimist. Mary helped new Optimist groups get started such as Dashwood, and keep scrapbooks for multiple clubs. For years she was secretary for her group. She enjoyed many vacations to Optimist Conventions in Canada and the USA.
She also belonged to Ailsa Craig United Church and Historical society. She spend endless hours making food and helping at events and going to meetings. Mary and her sisters made quilts together as a fundraiser Her sister Gladys and Mary spent hours at various places selling tickets on her quilts. Also Mary sold plants that she grew and baked goods. I can remember she made 20 dozen chocolate covered peanut butter balls for one bake sale. Mary also attended meetings for neighbourhood watch. Mary was very involved in her community and gave years of service to multiple groups.
I will always remember Aunt Marys beautiful smile and the many days I spent at her Carlisle hotel and at her home in East Williams
Ed and Ruth posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary Clark will be remembered well by all who knew her for her commitment to community service.
The Optimist Club of East Williams will miss her active membership participation assisting at many Club events, pre-pandemic.
Her legacy lives on with so many Club projects recorded in hard-copy binders, and logged for future reference for tomorrow’s youth to enjoy.
She was always so caring with genuine interest and concern for her neighbours and friends.
Mary Clark will be deeply missed.
Ed and Ruth Stevens
Optimist Club of East Williams
Chuck Daigle and Barb Rosser posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary was kind, caring and admirable, making a difference in so many ways over the years as an example to us all. We loved sharing a laugh with her.
Angie Wilson posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary was truly a lady in every sense of the word. She has left behind a legacy that will be remembered for many years to come. Rest In Peace my friend……..
Kim Drew posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary was such a generous, kind soul. She touched so many lives and contributed to the community however she could. She will be missed.
Janet Waite posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Mary was a wonderful lady. If any help was needed, Mary was the first to assist. Mary will be missed by many. Our deepest sympathy to her family. Hugs Jim and Janet Waite
Bruce Lambert posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Fond memories of Mary at International Harvester London.
Bruce Lambert
Ron Walker posted a condolence
Saturday, July 2, 2022
So many memories of such a beautiful soul. Ron & Ann Walker
The family of Mary Isabel Clark uploaded a photo
Saturday, July 2, 2022

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